10 Tips To Save On Your Water Bill!

Watch my full YouTube video on this topic here!

With the high prices we’re facing on everything due to inflation, it every little bit we can save helps.  Our water bills can start adding up, especially in summer!  Read on for 10 money-saving tips.


Water Maintenance & Repairs

1.   Keep up with fixing dripping faucets, running toilets, etc.  Check under sinks for water leaks, and install a simple leak detector in the drip pan of your home’s hot water heater to avoid costly water damage repairs should your water heater develop a leak.


2.   Get your sprinkler system maintained regularly.  Typically this happens in the spring and fall, and the sprinkler company will check for leaks, blocked sprinkler heads, and winterize your system depending on your climate.


Water-Efficient Appliances


3.   Look into installing high-efficiency toilets.  The EPA has a rebate finder you can use to see if your local water company offers rebates on these and other water-efficient items such as showerheads and faucets.


4.   Turn your water heater down (not so much that it’s cold) and insulate it, if necessary in your climate


Water Usage Habits


5.   Run full loads.  Wait until the dishwasher is full to run it, and do laundry in batches to save water.

6.   Run your sprinklers and water flower beds during the coolest times of the day, usually mornings and evenings.  This helps prevent evaporation from heat.  Also keep up to speed on any local watering restrictions.


7.   Consider planting with drought-resistant plants, xeriscaping, etc.  This helps cut down on how much you have to water during the hottest summer months.


8.   Take shorter showers.  This isn’t a fun one but is a way to cut back on water usage!


9.   Turn off the tap when not actively using water, such as while brushing your teeth.


10.                 Use leftover cooking water from steaming vegetables, boiling pasta, etc. to water your lawn, garden and flowers.

 I have an entire playlist on beating inflation and saving money: you can watch it right here!


Don’t Say This: “I’m Bad With Money”


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