The Millionaire Mindset Equation
Do you want to become wealthy? Do you want to lead an abundant life, surrounded by everything you’ve ever dreamed of?
Most of us want this for ourselves and our loved ones, unless we’ve gone the opposite route and renounced all (or most) worldly goods. Honestly the minimalist movement we’ve seen become so popular is a welcome reaction to the capitalistic excess that screams “buy, buy, buy!” at us every time we go online or pick up our phones.
Either way, these days we’re faced with unprecedented inflation, stagnating wages, skyrocketing prices, and the distinct and unpleasant possibility that governments may run out of money to fund social welfare programs within our lifetime. Not a pretty picture, and one that basically means we have to keep making more and more money or risk getting left in the dust. This can create a lot of stress and worry about money, both right now and down the road.
What’s the best way to combat all this financial stress and worry? Here’s an equation I like to use that really works to help you chart your path to a more abundant future:
Dream + Courage + Imperfect Action = Abundance
1. Dream about what you want to change about your current financial picture. Do you want to grow or expand your business? Do you want to negotiate a raise at work, or start researching better-paid jobs you might enjoy more? Do you want to start putting money into a retirement fund? Do you want to be able to afford things like your dream home, a fun vacation, or a new car? Our dreams give us the hope that we can create a better future for ourselves, and they are so important: without hope, nothing changes for us. This is the time to whip out those vision boards and get busy dreaming about all the things you want for yourself! If you need ideas, I’ve written a post all about visualizing what abundance looks like to you, with loads of journal prompts.
2. Have Courage as you face your money fears. Maybe you’ve been told you were “bad with money” or “too dumb to manage money.” These are complete lies, since personal finance is a learned skill just like anything else. For something so pivotal to our survival as adults, you’d think personal finance would be a major topic covered all through high school and college. But no. Fortunately, there are now so many resources about finance out there that we’re spoiled for choice, and we can learn anything we put our mind to! Including personal finance.
3. Take Imperfect Action towards your financial dreams! I love the concept of imperfect action. Sometimes it’s tempting to sit around waiting for the “perfect opportunity” to act. Well let me tell you, I know from hard experience that this is just another excuse to not act at all. Not good. Some action is better than no action! If you start small it can help so much. Just start with one small, imperfect action today, such as tracking your spending for one day, reading one article about investing for beginners, or picking one loan you want to start putting more money towards each month. As you take these baby steps they will start to add up, giving you confidence that yes, you can manage money and take charge of your financial future!
Money can be a cause of so much stress and worry, but now that you have the abundance equation, you’re ready to dream, have courage, and take imperfect action towards a bright financial future! Please let me know in the comments what tiny imperfect action you plan to take this week, I’d love to hear about it!